Sunday, July 27, 2008


Another lie used by evolutionists. In the 1960s over 200 "vestigals" were put into textbooks as evidence for evolution, including the thyroid gland (used for secreting hormones which regulate the body's metabolism) and the pituitary gland (a primary gland, located just under the brain which is used for secreting a large variety of hormones, and is at times called "the master gland"). Today, all of those same parts in the body are classified as having very important functions.

The coccyx is a bone commonly cited as "vestigal" by evolutionists even today! It is sometimes called the "tail" bone. But this is the part where you and I laugh. The "tail" bone on a human is not a tail bone at all! It is a special bone that has many muscles attached to it. If such a bone were not there, you would not be able to sit down. This bone supports the bodily structure to let a person sit upright. Other muscles on the bone allow a person to pass out solid wastes. I'm sure glad I've got it. I wonder why the evolutionists think the coccyx is vestigal...

The appendix is also considered "vestigal" by some evolutionists today as well. In reality, the appendix is used to fight off very dangerous diseases. Because it becomes swollen with infection for so much of the diseases it has fought, it is at times removed because it might explode at some point because of too much pressure put upon it while doing normal activities that involve running, swimming, etc. Sure, you could live without it, but you'll be more susceptible to diseases than before.

The tonsils play a similar part as the appendix does. And, for the same reason is removed. The tonsils are used to keep bad bacteria from going into certain parts of the body, because when breathing, the person sucks bacteria in the air. That's where the tonsils come in. You could live without it, but you're most likely to get sick more often.

On snakes, a set of bones on the underside of its body is often called "vestigal" by many evolutionists. They are said to have been legs at one point, and slowly, they lost the need for them as they became snakes. But this is also false. These "legs" are not legs. A few species, such as boas and pythons, have these bones which are similar to the pelvis. Only a few snakes have these bones externally which are often referred to as "spurs." These structures are used in reproduction, they are not vestigal.

Although this one isn't used anymore by evolutionists for the "vestigals" category, in the 60s, they thought the pineal gland, which is located in the center of the brain, was useless since they did not understand why it was there. We know now that the pineal gland regulates the body's waking and sleeping cycles by secreting the hormone "melatonin."

They still use the "gill slits" belief in textbooks today, which says that, in the baby embryo, little "gill slits" form, and they are vestigal. You'll understand if you see any picture of what I'm talking about. Ernst Haeckel's drawings of "gill slits" in human embryos was debunked about 130 years ago, and yet it is still used as evidence. These "gill slits" have nothing at all to do with the resperatory system (breathing). Rather, these devolop into parts of the face, neck, and other important glands. Haeckel was convicted of fraud by his own university in 1875. Proved wrong in 1875.

They'll say, "They've evolved into doing that now, but before they were gill slits. Natural selection right there. The body just adapted."

Ok, let me translate: "Long ago and far, far away in another mysterious land, the glands of the ear and the bones in the throat used to be used for breathing, boys and girls. Now, they've adapted and, even now, we see the stages taking place inside when you're a little fish embryo." And what does that spell? B-u-l-l-s-*-*-t. Oh yeah, long ago this happened, they say, and we can't see it happening today. Sure, I can believe that. Some evolutionists would agree with me saying, "This isn't taught anymore in the textbooks of this university," or something like, "We'll take it out of the next edition." Well GOOD! After 130 years it's about time! Unfortunately, the following highschool and college textbooks still use it:

BSCS Biology: An Ecological Approach, 9th Edition, 2002 Edition
BSCS Biology: A Human Approach, 2nd Edition, 2003 Edition
Prentice Hall Biology, Texas Edition, 2004 Edition
Biology: Patterns and Processes of Life, 1st Edition, 2004 Edition
Biology: 8th Edition, 2004 Edition
Biology: The Dynamics of Life, Texas Edition, 2004 Edition
Biology: The Unity and Diversity of Life, 10th Edition, 2004 Edition
Homework Helper's Biology, 2004 Edition
Cliff's AP Biology: 2nd Edition, 2004 Edition
Kaplan AP Biology, 2004 Edition

Of course, there are many books from the year 2000 and other 90s dates that use it, but posting the most recent dates already implies that the writers are either ignorant, or liars. I compiled this list back in the year 2005 and haven't researched since. No telling how many textbooks are still using it, college textbooks especially.

Evolutionists simply do not want to admit they are wrong, and would rather lie than tell the truth, as history of the evolution cause clearly shows. All of the above examples (besides the pineal gland, pituitary gland, thyroid gland, and not counting the "gill slits") you can live without. But this does not mean you don't need them. Many evolutionists say that if you can live without it, it's vestigal. Well I've got an answer for those people: You can live without both your arms and legs; are they vestigal? Just because you can live without 'em, doesn't mean you don't need 'em!

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