Sunday, July 27, 2008

The Grand Canyon

The Grand Canyon is another regarded "evidence" for evolution, because of "erosion marks," even though there are none found. The entire canyon was obviously once mud, according to geologists who really study the patterns on the rock. Over a few years it hardened and became solid rock. The evolutionists also regard the layers as each representing one year. This is simply not so. I'll explain how the Grand Canyon is actually better evidence for creation than evolution.

1. The supposed strata found in the Grand Canyon is a very interesting subject to ponder. What they don't tell you is that there are only five of the twelve major strata systems in the Grand Canyon. Totally missing are the second, third, eighth, ninth, tenth, eleventh, and twelfth. How strange...

2. Evolutionists explain the Colorado river cutting through about 8,000 feet of solid rock, with the help of wind and other natural processes. The problem here, is that they say it only took "a few million years" to cut through, even though the actual rock itself took 500 million years to lay down. The strata shows absolutely no evidence of any erosion whatsoever. Evolutionists are liars on the topic of the Grand Canyon.

3. If the Colorado had carved the Grand Canyon out of solid rock, we would find huge tumbled boulders in and alongside of the stream bed. This is what a river does if it carves. But this is not found.

4. The Colorado River lies at the bottom of the Grand Canyon, and yet it is a typical winding river: the type found in fairly flat terrain. Winding rivers don't cut deeply, it is the straighter, steeper rivers with swiftly rushing water, which deeply erode soil and hurl loose rocks along its side downstream.

5. The river starts in the canyon at a lower elevation then the highest point of the canyon. In order for that little river to carve out such a big canyon the water would have to run up hill for millions of years. Water does not run uphill for millions, and millions, and millions of years.

The probable reasons for these things in the Grand Canyon is that the Colorado River must have drained an huge area in Utah and eastern Nevada during the global Flood. A lake covered that entire area, and an uplift caused the water to rather suddenly drain out. When you look at it it even looks like a former lake.

Shortly after the flood, while volcanism was at its height and the strata was still soft, the ground heaved upward over a vast area, which emptied Lake Bonneville. The water drained toward the southwest, forming Grand Canyon. The Great Salt Lake in Utah is all that remains of the ancient lake.

If you ever visit the area, you will see the former shoreline of the lake, high on the surrounding mountains. Why is this found?

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