Sunday, August 3, 2008

Standing Against Evolutionism = Intellectual Siberia

--Why did Robert Gentry lose his job?

Nuclear physicist Robert Gentry has written in many mainstream secular scientific journals including Science, Nature, Geophysical Research Letters, Annual Review of Nuclear Science, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, and others. Why would such a renowned scientist like Gentry lose his job? The reason: radio polonium halos.

What makes them so significant? Well, when polonium halos decay, pieces fly off; like a hand grenade going off underwater. The pieces will all fly a certain distance, depending upon what element is breaking apart. Polonium has a very short half-life: from around 3 minutes all the way down to .164 seconds (164 thousandths of a second). Very miniscule. This means that within a few minutes, all of it is going to be gone. If you exploded a hand grenade underwater, the fragments will fly out into a sphere, then crumble in just a moment, and the sphere disappears. Now, explode a grenade underwater in a lake and then freeze the lake so fast that you'll preserve the sphere. Impossible, I know, but if you could you'd have a ring of the grenade fragments.

This is what we have with polonium. These halos have a short half-life. The problem is, they're found in granite which proves against the evolutionary theory that the earth was ever a hot, molten mass. If it were, the halos wouldn't be there, they would have disappeared. This heartily supports the Bible since the Bible says the earth was a sphere of water when creation began with it (which was cold by definition if it was water).

This is why evolutionists cut Gentry's funding for his research: he was creationist, he proved creation, and he disproved evolution. Gentry has discovered even more, but yet again the evolutionary dogmatists must suppress it and keep the rebuttal off of them. This censorship of his work began recently in 2001. According to an article I read,

"...Los Alamos National Laboratory personnel deleted his ten scientific papers on cosmology and astrophysics from their U. S. government sponsored e-print archive, prior to their scheduled release on the Internet on the evenings of 2/28/01 and 3/5/01. Continued suppression of these papers, now by Cornell University, stems both from the resistance of evolutionists to the implications of his discovery that the universe possesses a nearby universal Center -- which overthrows big-bang cosmology with its crucial assumption of a no-center universe -- and from his discovery of GENESIS, a new astrophysical model of the cosmos which affirms that the literal six-day Genesis record includes the creation of the visible universe."

Is this not discrimination?

--Why did Roger DeHart lose his job? He was a science teacher at Burlington-Edison High School, just to get you informed. Well, he was forbidden to pass out articles from updated science journals, which informed the students about errors in the textbooks which beforehand, supported evolution theory. He did it anyway and was fired. He never mentioned one thing about the Bible or creation; just lies in the books, and he was fired for pointing them out. Is this not prejudice and dogma that pushes the school to do this? He dared go against errors because if he did, the kids just might doubt evolution, and they sure don't want that...

--Biology teacher, Kevin Haley from Oregon Community College: Fired for exposing errors in the textbooks.

--William Dembski from Baylor University in Waco, Texas: Fired for advocating "intelligent design."

--Dean Kenyon, biology teacher at San Fransisco State University and author of many secular textbooks having to do with evolution: Fired for getting converted to Christianity and doubting Darwin's theory. He sued the school and was reassigned his job, but only because he was a tenured professor.

--Forrest Mims was a science writer for 20 years, who published articles in mainstream science magazines like National Geographic, Science Digest, The American Journal of Physics, and 60 other magazines and newspapers. He was denied a job for Scientific American because he was a creationist. Why?

--Biology instructor from the Faribault School District, Rod LaVake, was reassigned just because he doubted Darwin's theory.

--Caroline Crocker, a former biology professor at George Mason University, was not offered a contract renewal after she mentioned intelligent design in one of her classes. She said, "I lost my job at George Mason University for teaching the problems with evolution," said Crocker, a charge that the university denies. "Lots of scientists question evolution, but they would lose their jobs if they spoke out."

Now you'll say, "She probably didn't lose her job for that reason. I mean, the university denied it. What did they really say?" Well, they said Crocker "was let go at the end of her contract period for reasons unrelated to her views on intelligent design,"(1) but he continued, "But teachers also have a responsibility to stick to subjects they were hired to teach," he added, "and intelligent design belonged in a religion class, not biology. Does academic freedom 'literally give you the right to talk about anything, whether it has anything to do with the subject matter or not?' The answer is no."

Seems reasonable, doesn't it? A reporter later queried the students about if Crocker's job loss caused students to fear retrospect for their views about intelligent design. The answers were obvious from the reporter: "I went up to this last student after the class. She initially agreed to be identified, but moments later, remembering what Crocker had said about the scientific establishment's intolerance of dissent, she begged me not to publish her name. The fear on her face was palpable. She wanted to be a veterinarian and was convinced that dream would be smashed if powerful scientists learned she had dared to question evolution."

...So what do professors do? In Iowa they sure don't want it. An Iowa professor said that professors should be able to " any student, no matter what the grade records indicate, if the professor discovers the student is a creationist. Furthermore, the students department should have the right of retracting grades and possibly even degrees if the student becomes a creationist later."(2)

I'd like to end this with a suggestion: Why don't you see the documentary "Expelled" by Ben Stein. Sure, he supports intelligent design, moving the creator problem to somewhere else, and probably still a believer in "millions of years," but hey! At least he also realizes that the theories of creation and intelligent aren't being given equal time intervals in the schools with the current myth being taught: evolution.


(1)Shankar Vedantam, "Eden and Evolution," Washington Post, Sunday, February 5, 2006

(2)Kendrick Frazier, Skeptical Inquirer, Fall 1983

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